The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Opinion and Editorial (观点和社论)

Human rights will loom large in Xi’s U.S. visit
Japan Times, September 1, 2015

记者被查 央视再度先“判”为快,法治何在? (CCTV again “prejudges” as another journalist is investigated—where is rule of law?)
Voice of America, September 1, 2015

中国需为死刑改革继续凝聚共识 (China needs further consensus for death penalty reform)
Financial Times, September 1, 2015

Badiucao: T-Shirt detention
China Digital Times, August 31, 2015

Dispatches: China’s shallow calls for accountability
Human Rights Watch, August 31, 2015