The HRIC Daily Brief is a daily selection of news stories and commentary related to human rights in China, drawn from Chinese- and English-language news and online media sources that we monitor daily. In addition to headlines and source links, HRIC also provides English translation of Chinese headlines.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Hong Kong (香港)

Canadian or Chinese? Foreign citizenship brought into question
The Diplomat, July 20, 2016

Student leader Joshua Wong guilty over Hong Kong pro-democracy protest
The Guardian, July 21, 2016

Beijing’s top man in HK asks whether independence advocates should be allowed to join LegCo race
Hong Kong Free Press, July 20, 2016

民主黨遊行 抗議中聯辦干預選舉 (Democratic Party protests Liaison Office’s interference in LegCo election)
Ming Pao, July 21, 2016

中共统战部涉嫌暗中操控香港议会选举 (CPC United Front Work Department allegedly manipulates Hong Kong LegCo election from behind the scenes)
Radio Free Asia, July 20, 2016

香港書展開幕 書商面對北京拒絕退縮 (Hong Kong Book Fair opens—booksellers not backing down in front of Beijing)
Radio France Internationale, July 20, 2016中國/20160720-香港書展開幕-書商面對北京拒絕退縮

《習近平狼吞虎咽》書商疑被“姓黨人士”人身威脅 (New sensitive book—publisher reportedly received personal safety threat by someone “who bears the surname of the Party”)
Radio France Internationale, July 21, 2016中國/20160721-《習近平狼吞虎咽》書商疑被“姓黨人士”人身威脅